Thursday, July 6, 2017

Rockbound Lake

The trail description for today's hike begins -

   This rigorous hike to a high valley hidden behind the massive cliffs of Castle Mountain visits two distinctly different lakes; Tower is a placid, green mirror fringed by open subalpine forest and lush wildflower meadows; Rockbound is true to its name - a cold, grey sheet contained by steep talus slopes and massive, tumbled boulder-fields. Both lakes are overshadowed by the impressive Eisenhower Peak tower and the limestone cliffs of Castle Mountain.

After almost 5 miles of rigorous climbing we arrived in the meadows leading to Tower Lake.

This beautiful green lake would have been a pleasant place to stop for lunch but the trail continued around the right side of the lake to climb the headwall.

As we started to climb we looked back and saw Eisenhower Tower on Castle Mountain rising in front of the main body of the mountain.

Bow Valley in the background.

We arrived at Rockbound Lake and found our lunch spot on a lake totally enclosed by...


The main focal point across the lake is this roaring waterfall.

I think that whoever described Rockbound Lake as a "cold, grey sheet" must have visited on a cloudy day. In the sunlight the lake was a spectacular blue-green.

Another view of our lunch spot and the amphitheater lake.

If you have enlarged the pictures (and we certainly hope you have!), you can see a waterfall above the tree with the spray blowing off the water.

Wildflowers on top of the many boulders surrounding the lake.

Frederick in front of the rock where we ate our lunch.

Behind us we could see Eisenhower Tower.

We walked to the east end of the lake trying to find...

the outlet stream, without luck. The lake is large enough that I couldn't fit the whole area in a picture without the wide-angle lens.

Heading back towards the descent to Tower Lake.

Heading down the cliff with Tower Lake below.

Tower Lake with Castle Mountain towering above.

Partway down the trail we encountered this female Spruce Grouse, our largest wildlife for the day.

Today's hike:
Length - 12.09 miles
Duration - 5 hours, 57 minutes
Elevation gain - 2,500 feet (250 floors on the Fitbit)

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