Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fan bus

Today we travelled through western New York and found it quite different than eastern NY. The colors were much more muted and, gasp, there were quite a few trees that had already lost all of their leaves.

There were many more farms in central and western NY.

Muted colors along the road.

We stopped for lunch at the Batavia Rest Stop and since this is wine country there was this fellow stomping grapes in the dining room.

As we were eating our lunch we noticed these two Tremblay's buses pull up and the folks who got out all had Patriot apparel on. As we were leaving I went up to the bus driver and asked if they were  going to a game. The driver said that, yes, they were all Patriot fans and they were going to the game with the Buffalo Bills - at 1pm on Sunday.

Some pretty flowers outside of the Rest Stop.

Another lovely farm in western New York.

Some corn that will soon need to be harvested.

I don't know if you can see them, but these trees were loaded with red apples.

Twenty miles from Buffalo the Tremblay buses passed us.

This is Jewel, a King Shepherd, who is in the campsite next to us and who greeted Frederick by lunging at him with ferocious barking. Of course, her owner said, "don't worry, she's really gentle."

Jacob showing us his lime green leg which is in a cast to help strengthen his knee.

Enjoying time with Kathryn and Jacob. That's an Uno deck on the table.

Kathryn prepared a delicious dish called spinach potato gratin and steak au Poivre. Wonderful!


  1. Hello Kathyn and Jacob!

  2. Hello Simmons! Loved the picture of the two of you! We miss sitting around the holiday table with you!!!
