Monday, February 27, 2017

Dripping Springs Trail

Everyone that we asked about hiking trails mentioned Dripping Springs so that was our destination today. Located on the other side of New Mexico State University, in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, it is 16-miles and 30 minutes away from our RV park.

Heading into the Organ Mountains on the Dripping Springs Trail.

There are several historic structures at the end of the trail in the Ice Canyon. At one time, in the early 1900s, this building served as a Sanatorium for TB patients.

This it IT! - Dripping Springs!!

Colonel Eugene Van Patten, who served in the Confederacy during the Civil War, came to Mesilla at the invitation of his uncle, John Butterfield, who operated the Butterfield Stage Line. Van Patten built a resort at Dripping Springs in the 1870s. These ruins are all that remain today.

It had 16 rooms, a large dining room, and a concert hall. It was very popular around the turn of the century and many famous people, including Pat Garret and Pancho Villa, stayed here.

Turning around from the resort ruins we had this view of Las Cruces in the valley below - 2,000 feet below, to be exact.

Organ Mountains up-close.

Since the Dripping Springs Trail is only 2.5 miles, we decided to tack on the Crawford and La Cueva Trails.

La Cueva Rocks north of the Visitor Center. Note the large rock on the left. At the base of that rock is...

this cave.

Still to be excavated, there is a midden on the floor of the cave.

I think people were shorter in the old days.

Passing along the south side of La Cueva Rocks.

Further along the trail we stopped to locate the cave at the base of the rocks. We are standing on the other side of an arroyo. This picture is taken with the zoom lens and...

for this picture, we are standing in the same spot, but using a wide lens.

La Cueva Rocks on the edge of Las Cruces valley.

Today's hike:
Length - 5.16 miles
Duration - 2 hours, 45 minutes
Elevation gain - 980 feet (99 floors on the Fitbit)

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