Wednesday, April 1, 2015


This morning we did some travel planning but right after noon we headed back to the hiking/biking trail in Cedar Hill State Park where we are staying. On Monday we did the three mile loop and today, with more time, we hiked the 8 mile loop. Once again we hiked in the counter clockwise direction and the mountain bikers went clockwise. 

The trail was a bit more scenic and varied.

This picture is an attempt to capture the bluebonnets that are blooming profusely. 

A major distraction on the hike was an encounter with another rattle snake. Well camouflaged (and I didn't want to get too close) the snake is in the center of the picture, coiled around the dark horizontal  mark that is the snake's shadow. The encounter was at 1.9 miles into the hike and we kept our eyes on the ground for the rest of the journey. There were no further incidents.


  1. Rattler would've ended my hike right there....back to the trailhead I'd go!

  2. Time to call in Saint Patrick. He knows what to do with Snakes.
