Friday, April 10, 2015

Charons Garden

This morning as we were driving to the Visitor's Center we saw that they were doing a controlled burn of an open field. 

Susan, a Ranger at the Visitor's Center, helped us identify wildflowers, reptiles and trails to take.

We decided on the Charons Garden Wilderness Area Trail, a moderate to difficult-rated trail.

On the way to the trail-head we passed a group of artists who were out taking advantage of the beautiful day and the gorgeous scenery.

At the time we saw this sign we didn't really appreciate what we were about to encounter.

On the map this is called the Valley of Boulders. These large boulders have fallen into the canyon and the only way through the canyon is to find a way by hopping from boulder to boulder - there is no defined trail. It took us about 1/2 hour to go less than a quarter of a mile.

This formation is called the Apple and the Pear.

A strikingly turquoise "Mountain Boomer".

There was still some water trickling over Post Oak Falls.

Frederick getting an up-close view of the falls which are in the upper left of this picture.

Treasure Lake at the end of the trail.

Selfie at Post Oak Falls.


  1. A happy picture! Did you find a treasure in the lake?

    1. Treasure Lake took its name from the legendary treasures hidden in the vicinity. There are tales of the Lost Cave with the Iron Door holding the loot of Belle Starr or Jesse James.
