Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Return to Yukon

Before traveling here I used to think of "The Yukon" as being way up there, in the far North. This morning, as Frederick and I, and another couple, performed our "de-parking" duties (antenna down; step up; check hitch; right turn signal; left turn signal; break lights) as the Airstreams left the Tok, Alaska, RV park, we called out, "See you in the Yukon!" Here we are tonight, in Destruction Bay, Yukon Territory, on our way to Haines, AK, tomorrow. The Yukon was just a half day's drive away.

Now here's what I have to say about The Yukon after today - love the scenery, hate the roads. Lots of gravel, frost heaves, pot-holes and road construction. Here's what I mean -

Lovely cloud and panorama as we left Tok.

Entering The Yukon, one more time.

Swans and ducks on a pond across from the "Welcome to Yukon" sign.

Thirty miles down the road was Canadian Customs. Since we were the last two rigs to leave the RV park, by the time we got to Customs they had already passed through 33 Airstreams. "Are you part of the Caravan going to Destruction Bay?" "Yes". "Have a nice trip". Traveling in an identifiable group is great!

We've included these Black Pine not because they are beautiful but because there are lots of stands like this across northern Canada and Alaska. They grow in wet-lands in in areas of perma-frost. Stunted, scraggly, and blotchy.


late fall...


on the mountainsides.

By late afternoon, we had caught up with half the Caravan that had been delayed by road construction. There were 15 of us waiting for the Pilot Car.

When we arrived at the RV park in Destruction Bay, there were fall-colored trees and newly fallen snow on the surrounding mountain peaks.

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