Thursday, July 24, 2014

Half way across

We're half way across Newfoundland, camping tonight 8K outside of Badger, which is perhaps 10K west of Grand Falls/Windsor, which bills itself as "perfectly centered." It is just an overnight for us; we did not unhitch. 

Just on the edge of Lewisporte, where we have been the last four nights, there is a railroad park. This huge RR track snow plow was, as you can see, prominently featured.  

The Catamaran Campground, where we are tonight, is on Badger Lake.  It is a huge campground and very nicely laid out.  There are lots of trees providing separation for the campsites and various sections of the campground, so you are not aware of how big it is. We are in a site that backs right up to Badger Lake. This is the view of the Lake from the back of our site.

There are lots of activities for kids, such as this skateboard (scooter) park.

Some folks are enjoying skidoos out on the lake.

The view from our bedroom window.

From the front of the park you can see the Trans Canada Highway. It looks as if this car has a surf board on top, but I think it is a kayak.

Even the cars and trucks in Newfoundland are brightly colored.


  1. Nathan appreciated the train plow picture and insists that it's for him.

  2. It is! At this Train Park there were a lot of pre-schoolers with their young Moms. I think there was either a program or they were there for a play date.
