Sunday, December 7, 2014

Separation anxiety

It was harder than expected - leaving our home in the care of strangers and traveling hundreds of miles without seeing the Airstream in the rear-view mirror.

Last night Frederick began the task of clearing the water from our various holding tanks but ran out of daylight before he could add antifreeze to the lines and disconnect all of the devices that draw power from our home batteries. While he completed these tasks I applied polish to the Airstream and the car. Frederick finished his work and then came behind me and buffed the vehicles. They are now coated and protected from the elements.

At this Airstream park there is a very nice clubhouse for the members including a washer and dryer. In between the preparation tasks we did the washing including our towels and sheets. Now, when we return, it will be to a clean bed.

Last night we had defrosted the refrigerator and used the clubhouse refrigerator and freezer to keep some things cold. But we didn't complete cleaning out the cupboards of any food items that might attract critters while we are gone. After finishing with the vehicles we cleaned the pantry and packed some food and switched out our warm weather clothing for our cold weather clothing to bring with us.

By the time all of this was done, and we had packed the car, it was 5 p.m., time to move the Airstream to its storage position while there was still daylight.

Backing the Airstream into storage.

We got these tire protectors to held stave off destruction by the sun. 

Before we pulled out of the park I ran back for one last picture of our home-on-wheels (second from the right). See how shiney it is! Can't wait until we come back and are reunited.

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