Saturday, April 30, 2016

You can still get snow at the end of April

The penultimate rainy driving day - rain/snow is predicted for tomorrow as well. This whole trip has been a "swim" to Denver - a cold swim.

Early this afternoon we passed under The Archway at Kearney, Nebraska, to honor the brave 19th century pioneers who settled this wild land.

Two miles from our destination RV park we stopped to get fuel and to enjoy the falling snow.

Large, white, feathery, flakes. At least it melted when it hit the ground!


  1. Hope the roads stay clear for you

  2. Weather is not much better here, but at least no snow! We're wearing 5 layers, gloves, scarves and hats wrapped in blankets watching our granddaughter pitch for the Fenwick Friars softball team. Last weekend it was nearly 80, today in the 40s.

    Will you head towards Chicago to attend our 50th reunion! Judy S.

    1. Hi Judy!
      Unfortunately we are heading further north and west when we leave Denver. Some time in the Tetons, a month in Banff before we head, by caravan, to Alaska for two months this summer.
      I hope you and our classmates have a fun and rewarding reunion.
