Sunday, June 21, 2015

Spray River

Happy Father's Day to all you fathers!

In honor of Father's Day we selected a long but easy loop that runs up one side of the Spray River, in Banff, and back down the other side.

The trail, 8 miles round trip, began from the parking lot behind the Banff Springs Hotel. This picture is taken from a foot bridge that crosses the Spray River so we could take the trail on the east side.

This wonderful, happy Father has just finished his lunch at the turn at the far end of the loop trail. We  crossed another footbridge to get us back on the west side of the river. 

Mountain with top-knot on the east side of the river. Some blue sky.

View of the river with mountains in the background. Notice the clouds beginning to come in. It was only 55 degrees today, but felt warmer when the sun was out.

1 comment:

  1. You sure are staying physically fit on your journey. Eight miles is quite a hike. Glad to know it was an easy one without some of the challenges of your other hikes. Judy S.
