Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lingerlonger Lane

The fateful day has arrived - the predicted spring snowstorm with 12 to 15 inches forecast. When we woke up this morning the snow was just beginning. The intensity was supposed to pick up shorty after noon so we decided to get out for an early hike.

We took the road to the horse camp and passed several cabins in the woods which we believe house park employees. This cabin is on Lingerlonger Lane - try articulating the name out loud, it kind of tickles my tongue.

Normally we don't choose roads to hike preferring trails, but today the road seemed the best choice.

French Creek passing through the woods - a winter wonderland.

We walked out to the horse camp, about 3 miles.

The sign reads, "Horsecamp Hosts".

And there they are! Their human companions are in an RV.

The surrounding campground has several of these mounting steps, each with a memorial plaque.

The snow began in earnest around 2 p.m. and this, at 5 p.m., is the same view as this morning, but with more snow


  1. Unreal. The beginning of the 5th glacial age of the Pleistocene. Not a lot new in Providence. The only new thing is that the Pawsox want to relocate and build a baseball stadium in the "knowledge district" For a month I have been living as a camper in our house while guys with giant clean up devices and space suits remove plaster and wood damage from the winter ice dams. Everything in the house is either packed in the cellar or under plastic sheeting. BIG nuisance.But hay! The taxes make it worthwhile.The Pawsox are negotiating with governor etc. to build a new stadium for the team in the knowledge district. This will advance the knowledge of hot dogs and nachos with melted cheese. Bill

  2. OMG....I am so glad I'm out in sunny Silicon Valley and not in that MAY snowstorm!!
    Drive to the sunshine!
