Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Scenic Drive

We finished one of our two 30 lb. containers of propane last night.  We had been running the furnace three nights so any liquids in the Airstream didn't freeze and, even though we set the thermostat at 45 degrees, furnaces use a lot of propane. So this morning, before we left the Olive Branch we filled up on propane. It is supposed to be down in the teens this evening but we will be warm and cozy.

Today we drove through Cincinnati and Lexington. Then on the route I-75 scenic route at a higher elevation to Corbin, KY. I can say, without a doubt, that it was our worst driving experience ever.

Going, going ....

The road wasn't slippery, like it would be in New England,but the visibility was awful.  I think there was a good deal of fog.

Tomorrow we're headed south in our continuing search for warmer weather.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the panic attack! Well, I guess you're learning as much as you can every leg of the journey.
