Thursday, March 27, 2014

Stroll in the park

Finally! We had dinner this evening with our screen door open. Perry, GA, is mild, 72 degrees, and low humidity.  Today's drive was beautiful with lots of flowering trees and a quick drive through Atlanta.  One of the things we liked about the drive through Atlanta is that trucks are prohibited from driving on I - 75 through the city. So for a few miles we was able to relax and enjoy seeing the beautiful City without trucks barreling around us.  We only drive 55 mph and the trucks do 70 on the Interstate.

After supper Frederick and I went for a walk around the little lake in the Fair Harbor RV Park. It was then I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures today to include in the blog. So here is was I managed on our walk.
I wonder how they chose 17 mph for the speed limit driving through the park?

The Airstream un-hitched from the Mercedes for the first time since Buffalo. (Notice the cute little light over the door.)

When we got to the park we un-hitched from the Airstream and drove into Perry to the local Kroger supermarket for food and diesel fuel. Now we won't have to drag the Airstream through a gas station tomorrow. It's the little details that cheer our heart!  

Tomorrow night we will be in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to hear that you finally found warmth! Have a great drive today, I look forward to "seeing" you in Florida! Love you both very much.
