Sunday, February 15, 2015

San Antonio

Out AAA guide book says that San Antonio is the most visited destination in Texas. So here we are. There are a number of places that we want to visit, and we will be here 5 days, so the first thing that we have to do is get established.

For the first time in three days we un-hitched. The campground is southwest of downtown, out in the country. The access road is a washboard, about one mile in length, and it is necessary to drive no faster that 8 mph. I guess that is one way to keep a place private.

Next on the agenda is to get re-supplied. Here we are at the local Sam's Club.

Even though we are down here in the balmy south, my thoughts are also with Suzanne and her family braving the blizzards of Boston. She sent me some pictures of the latest blizzard that happened overnight, last night.

Scott shoveling a path out their back door across the deck.

1 comment:

  1. Don't miss the River Walk for a boat ride and/or dinner one evening while you are in San Antonio. The photos of your brother struggling with the snow in Boston.were amazing! Judy S.
