Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Drive to Homer

Blog for August 16, 2016

A drive day and Frederick and I were one of three couples that were scheduled on the work crew for “parking” at the new RV park in Homer, Alaska. When you are a parker, you leave two hours before everybody else (this morning that was at 7 a.m.; getting up at 6 a.m.) and travel in a convoy with the Caravan leaders. 
View of the sunrise across the bay in Seward.

It was a beautiful day and this morning we had some sun!! What a treat and here are some pictures from this morning’s drive.

 See, the sun was shining for some of the pictures!

Thirty miles from Homer we stopped at an overview to take pictures across Cook Inlet of Mount Iliana and Mount Redoubt. Mount Redoubt had a major eruption in December 1989. The eruptions continued through April 1990, then subsided to steam plumes. Beginning again in early 2009, Mount Redoubt was quite active on and off during the spring and summer, shutting down air traffic multiple times due to volcanic activity or the imminent threat of another eruption. Late September of 2009 the mountain was finally given the all-clear that it was no longer active perking. Beautiful volcano/mountain!

Finally, the highway descended into Homer and a panorama of mountains sweeping across the horizon. 
The Homer Spit jutting into Kachemak Bay pointing to the dramatic Growing Glacier. 

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