Friday, May 13, 2016

Breaker, breaker

The last piece of equipment has now been acquired for our Alaskan Caravan - a CB radio. Apparently being able to communicate via CB radio is part of the camaraderie of caravan travel.

Isn't it a beauty? It should fit in a little compartment we have at the front of the center console. We also go an antenna that mounts on the top of the car with a very powerful magnet. Over.

We went to a CB radio store this afternoon between appointments. It was about 7 miles from NJH and the route took us right through the center of downtown Denver.

Archway and colonnade that fronts the Civic Center Park.

Capitol of the state of Colorado.

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

Many parts of Denver look like an old western city. I had thought that Denver would be more modern, but I guess it has a long history.

Day eight at National Jewish Health

I've been discharged. This morning we had our final meeting with Dr. Kasperbauer and talked about next steps. I will be taking three antibiotics; having regular monitoring; eating a GERD diet; and, will return for a follow-up in six months.

I began taking the third antibiotic today, ethambutol, and had blood drawn at noon and at 4 p.m. to have drug levels assessed to determine if I'm on the correct doses. Then the nurse reviewed all of the 
monitoring that I will be doing, and then I was released!

1 comment:

  1. You're free! Also, what is the eating plan since you're now so restricted?
